lenticular prints

What is a Lenticular print?

In confusing terms it’s a printed fractured image fitted with a special lens sheet on top of it that reveals different parts of that image depending on the angle it’s being viewed from. But put simply; it’s magic. The technology has been around for a very long time, but artists are still finding new and creative ways to use it in the modern age. My personal favorite is the animation. Putting multiple frames into one image that moves when you walk by it or sway side to side. 

How am I using Lenticulars in my work?

I’m glad you asked. I’ve come up with this brilliant idea of combining lenticulars with my 3D collages. But really there are 4 concepts going on here:

  1. Body Art – I brought local artist, Aera on board to create some beautiful imagery on some beautiful young ladies.
  2. Photography – Instead of taking rapid shots while the model moves, she’s sitting completely still like a statue while I change the lighting between every shot, with the camera locked down on a tripod. The effect when I look at the resulting animation reminds me of that stop-motion feel.
  3. Lenticular Print – I turn that animation into a lenticular print, and when you walk by it or move back and forth, the animation plays through at the speed of your movement.
  4. Collages – To take it just one step further, I chop that lenticular image into multiple overlapping pieces to create a multilayered collage. Now the work as a whole has beautiful art, beautiful subject, interesting lighting, motion, and vast amounts of depth. I can’t even imagine what this will evolve into next.

If you’re interested in commissioning a custom lenticular collage, contact me below and we’ll have a good chat.

11 + 11 =