about me

Origin Story
I was born in Germany in 1975 and moved to the states in 1977. I grew up and currently live in Wichita, KS where I run my studio, shooting primarily Boudoir, Erotica and Abstract photography.
My whole family is full of photographers but oddly enough I didn’t get the bug for it until much later in life. I began in the music world at the age of 10 as a trombonist and pursued it all the way through my college years at Wichita State University and beyond. It wasn’t just something I did, but rather it was the thing that defined me. All my time and energy was spent in pursuit of its mastery. After college I expanded into writing/producing/recording music and followed that dream for many years. Those experiences have profoundly shaped the way I view the world and everything I do. Link to my discography on Spotify
Like thousands of others out there my interest in photography really started with the birth of my son in 2005. I’ve taken thousands of images of him over the years and I’ve captured so many incredible moments that I’ll always cherish. That’s how I fell in love with photography and until 2011 it was mainly a hobby I thoroughly enjoyed and was really quite awful at. But something happened in 2011 that steered everything in a new direction for me. The end of a very long and difficult relationship turned everything I knew on its head and brought many things into sharp focus. Mainly the importance of being true to myself and following my dreams wherever they lead. It’s important to mention because that is the point at which my entire outlook on life changed. I didn’t realize it then but it freed me and allowed me to explore all the feelings and desires I’d been keeping inside for so long. I was ready for a dramatic change. I poured myself completely into photography and obsessed over it. I effectively quit playing music, sold most of my instruments and recording gear and acquired my first real DSLR camera. Now my images were not only terrible, but really sharp and clear as well. But I got better…..
Getting from that point to where I am now involved so many experiences and failures, and small nuggets of wisdom gleaned from so many helpful people and resources I couldn’t possibly list them all. I’m extremely thankful to everyone that has supported my work and helped me to succeed. But I’m not done yet. There is still so much yet to learn and I’m still very much obsessed with improving and sharing the knowledge I’ve gained. This includes the deeper meaning of the artform, which for me has everything to do with connecting to my subjects and not only giving them an outlet for expression, but positively affecting the way they see themselves.